Journey Church Ventura exists to enter into the journeys of those who have yet to discover God’s love, grace and forgiveness, while developing fullydevoted followers of Christ.

Journey Church Ventura is a place where the curious about faith in Jesus can explore, and growth in a relationship with Jesus can be experienced.  
Journey is a place that is passionate about spending more time in our community making a difference than in our building. In the words of Jesus, “We are here to serve, not to be served.”


We Meet for inspiration on Sundays.

Our Sunday gatherings are full of inspiring music, biblical teaching about life, and opportunity to connect with others who are on life’s journey of faith.

We Model our lives & likeness after Jesus Christ.

The Bible encourages us to be like Jesus in all aspects of our lives.  We do this through progressive learning about who Jesus is and how we can become more like him.

We Mingle in groups to live and learn together.

Life is not meant to be lived alone so we encourage everyone to belong to a group that is sharing life's journey of faith together.

We Merge into the fabric of our culture to introduce Christ to
those who have yet to discover God’s love, grace and forgiveness.

Serving is the heartbeat of Journey Church Ventura.  We merge into the very culture of our community and world, serving its needs to show God’s amazing love and grace.